After spending two hours at the Fairfax, VA Costco signing books today, and a very fun night at the Lancaster, PA B&N last night, I’m one tired puppy. It’s been a fantastic week of readings, signings and sightings. So many friends from my past and so many new people who’ve come out to hear little old me read from MOW. I’ll post some more photos when I get back to LA. Until then please enjoy this photo of me at Costco today. I think I was in the automotive section. I’m not sure. I haven’t slept. I’m tired.
Tag: book signings
Costco Signing, Fairfax, VA
At the LA Times Festival of Books
I had a great time this past Saturday at the LA Times Festival of Books. The day started off early at Vroman’s Bookstore where Ashley Ream, author of Losing Clementine, and I supplied the “In-Transit Entertainment” on one of the buses the store had chartered to the festival. Ashley is a delight and looks pretty darn adorable in a beret.
After I arrived (with wife and mom in tow), I signed some books for Vroman’s behind their tent. Sorry about giving you the finger in this photo. It was completely unintentional.
Here I am transporting a stack of Man of Wars from overstock shelving to the table where I’d later sign them. But I wasn’t just moving paper. I was trying to give customers the impression that the book is so good they have to buy ten copies. Also note my massive biceps. Lifting hardcover books is a great way to save on those ridiculous gym membership fees.
Interesting placement for MOW. One friend observed that I was in a “Hitchens sandwich.” Another friend former friend commented that Hitchens’ books look a lot wordier than mine. Likely because I don’t know more than seven polysyllabic words.
Later that day I returned to Pasadena and saw this quote by some guy named Benjamin Franklin. I liked it so much I took a photograph of it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.